In an Age of Infinite Speed and Innovation, What Matters Most?
The sheer speed of innovation is exhilarating, and the gadgets we once dreamed of in science fiction are now slipping effortlessly into our daily lives. As we race forward, are we running toward something meaningful, or are we just running?
Data Reliance & Intuition
Over the years, I’ve had a unique and deeply personal relationship with data and technology—one that has evolved, shaped, and even tested my sense of self. At its best, data was a source of joy and learning. It illuminated areas of potential, revealed patterns I hadn’t noticed, and sharpened my understanding of how small habits could produce big results. But somewhere along the way, the balance shifted.
Community of Leaders
The world is too fast, too interconnected, and too unpredictable for leaders to go it alone. Enter leadership communities, where success isn’t about one person’s brilliance—it’s about collective strength. These communities turn leadership into a team sport, leveraging diverse perspectives, shared accountability, and a wealth of collective wisdom.
Bridging Metrics with Meaning
Leaders rely on frameworks like OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to define and measure success. These tools are invaluable, providing clear targets and benchmarks for progress. However, as effective as OKRs and KPIs are, they often miss one critical element: the underlying human pulse that drives them. Enter IPAs.
The Consultative Coach
Traditional consulting often emphasizes diagnosing organizational issues and prescribing strategic solutions, yet it frequently falls short in guiding clients through the practical implementation of these strategies. This gap is particularly evident in addressing the “human how”—the behavioral and cultural shifts necessary for successful change.
Time to think. Space to grow.
As we harness the power of artificial intelligence in the quest for productivity, it’s important to remember that our goal isn’t just to speed up work, but to enhance it meaningfully. AI-powered tools have reshaped our workflows and freed us up for higher-level strategic thinking. Yet, there's a potential pitfall: becoming so focused on efficiency that we lose sight of what truly enriches our work and lives.
Unlock AI's Magic: Cultivate a Culture for Success
In a recent consultative engagement, as part of the leadership team of a newly founded AI-based agency, I helped connect and create value propositions for business challenges and AI-enabled solutions. Amid the buzz, energy (and anxiety), and momentum surrounding AI possibilities and strategies that business leaders across industries and markets are experiencing, I noticed an overlooked yet critical gap in understanding the relationship between organizational leadership culture and AI.
Trust Your Struggle
We have more things that help us avoid challenge than ever before. We are more unfulfilled than we have ever been. We know adversity builds resilience and fuels our mind, body, and spirit. Why aren’t we formally taught how to navigate it?
A New Mental Vision: Brain State Echos
Could an unconscious distraction from a recent experience play a role in the ‘conscious background noise’ present when feeling out-of-sync (or even frustrated)? A good friend who works at Utah-based Vital Neuro recently gave me the opportunity to shed some light on this lingering question with an early-release version of their neuro-sensing headphone and smartphone app.
Unlocking Transformational Leadership
What organizational leadership means has shifted significantly over the last ten years. Transformational leadership is at the forefront of executive-level organizational development conversations and initiatives, yet most of the approaches to it overlook a key element to realizing the benefits.
Unlocking Human Performance
With the increasing breadth and complexity of data wearable technology can provide, and the declining cost of these technologies making it accessible to almost everyone, why are we not seeing a direct correlation between industry growth and human wellness?
Successful innovation enables creativity
By definition, innovation occurs when someone improves on or makes a significant contribution to an existing product, process or service. Three approaches to purpose-built product innovation practices.